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September 5, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Happy Labor Day, my frraaaans!
I am currently lounging on the couch watching the world's best all-day marathon of How I Met Your Mother. Bliss. What are you up to today? Being lazy and doing something fun I hope!

Well, we're getting ready to head out to the LA v. Sporting soccer game tonight, and I couldn't be more excited! Don't worry y'all, I will tell Becks and Posh hi for you! ;)

Can't wait to hear about your weekend!

{ Time to Mingle!! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

Pass on the Mingle love. Tell a friend. Tell your dog. If you could mention Mingle Monday in a post or to a bloggy friend, that would seriously complete my Labor Day!

{ Deal? }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

** What was at the top of your Labor Day fun list? **


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


As always, I love it when you stop by for a visit! If you aren't signed up for the Fall Frenzy blog gift swap, you're missing out!

We have so many people signed up for some fun right now, and I'd hate for you to be out of the loop!

Hasta Mañana!

PS - Sign up HERE for the Fall Frenzy blog gift swap!
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