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October 15, 2012

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

T ime for Mingle Monday again?
Time sure has been flying lately, but I am glad you stopped by to join me today! I just made it home from Colorado last night, so I am looking forward to catching up with you all!

If this is your first time here... welcome! Mingle Monday was set-up just for YOU! This is a place where you can let your hair down, get the word out about your blog, and find other amazing blogs that you will fall in love with!

Want to get better exposure?
The more each of you passes the word along to your blog friends, the more people will stop by to visit you!


A Huge Thank You... advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it! The more this continues to grow, the greater your chances to gain some wonderful new followers and find great blogs!

{ Many thanks! }



How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below...

** What is your favorite thing about being a blogger? **



Go Visit My Lovely Sponsors!!

These gals are wonderful and have amazing must-follow blogs, trust me. They are daily must reads for me, so please drop by and say hello - you don't want to miss these gems!


BIG NEWS - All sponsorship prices have been lowered!

Starting at a mere $8 for a whole month of exposure, grab your sponsorship spot today!
With more than 30,000 original page hits a month, and 850+ hits per post, this is a great opportunity for you to gain traffic and followers!

Try it out here - you WON'T be disappointed!

I have some great posts planned for this week, which include a CO trip recap, so stay tuned!

You kids have a great Monday! :)

PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

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